One in eight
When I was first diagnosed with a breast cancer, I stumbled through leaflets, websites, and conversations about my new dance partner, horrified at my own ignorance about a disease that, it turned out, affected one in nine women in the UK.
I remember thinking about that statistic as I walked to the hospital one day. I [...]
I can fly
I like to keep on top of what’s what on Planet Cancer, and yesterday I found an article about some research about breast cancer survivors carried out by the University of Alberta. The study looked at the risk of lymphedema brought on by changes in cabin pressure when flying. (Lymphedema is chronic or permanent swelling [...]
Getting better
I think this is more important and more interesting than anything I might have to say today:
We are getting there. But there’s still a way to go.
tagged breast cancer survival rates,
cancer research, News, research, survival