Category: News

This November

Last November, I used NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) to make a start on ‘Any Other Business’, which got to 20,000 words and then stalled. It’s been through a few iterations since, and I’ve sought feedback from all sorts of people, the upshot of which is that I have found the novel that it wants [...]


I woke early this morning after a delicious evening with Alan celebrating our wedding anniversary. (Another thing to add to yesterday’s list. Manners. Alan has lovely manners and I know, sisters, that it shouldn’t matter and I shouldn’t care, but I’m afraid it does and I do. To illustrate this, I just typed ‘Alan knows [...]

Latest News

You can listen to my interview with Daniel Mumby of Lionheart Radio via this link.
Sainsbury’s magazine is now out, featuring yours truly… take a peek here.
Amazon reviews for the Bah! book are making me blush/cry… here.
The Bah! Book Tour is over, but you can have a little browse of my cyberverse adventures via this link.