Month: November, 2010

Bah! Tuesday Book Review – ‘Behind The Scenes At The Museum’ by Kate Atkinson

I have just finished reading ‘Started Early, Took My Dog’ by Kate Atkinson. It’s that rare thing – a book so brilliant that it made me almost not want to read another book straight away. (But I remembered I felt that way about ‘Ghost Light’ by Joseph O’Connor immediately before I started the Kate Atkinson, [...]

Happy Birthday!

Bah! to cancer is 2 today!

(That’s not me, in the picture, in case you were wondering. Oh, and did you know that if you put ‘Happy birthday breasts’ into Google Images you get more than 431,000 hits? I didn’t. I do now. It was most – um – illuminating.)
So. 2 years and 600 posts later [...]

A film

Team Bah! – on this occasion Ned, my Dad and me – did the 20 mile London Night Hike for Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres in September this year.
Maggie’s have just released a film of the event. It’s here:
I urge you to watch it. It captures the spirit – the joy, and achievement, and strength and [...]