Month: May, 2010

Last chance

I don’t mean to nag, or anything.
But today is your last chance to score a great book for you or someone you think would appreciate it from the May 2010 BBBB.
Head over here. You know you want to.
I’ll post a list of who got what at the end of the week.
(Are you still here?)
Happy reading! [...]

Got it!

Thanks to your suggestions and reflections here and on Twitter, a bit of chat and a walk, I’ve found the title of the Bah! book.
‘Thinking, Laughing, Living, Dancing: how I said Bah! to cancer’ by Stephanie Butland, with a foreword by Dr. Edward de Bono.
First reactions from Twitter are positive: in fact I’ve sold [...]

Name that (Bah!) book

Diane came over to give me my Pilates lesson yesterday afternoon. Almost as soon as she’d got through the door she was telling me about a dream she’s had about the Bah! book – and how freaked out she was to find that my blog post of the day was on the very same subject. [...]