2009 thanks
I was going to review the year, but hey, you’ve been through every step of it with me.
Instead I’m going to thank some people that have got me here, mostly in one piece and mostly sane.
Ned and Joy have been wise and kind beyond their years. They’ve helped me with practical things, like flushing [...]
A promise kept
Last New Year’s Eve, I had my first round of chemotherapy. (The oncologist had suggested that we start on Christmas Eve but I rejected that idea, in half of a heartbeat, with less than a thought. Wouldn’t you?)
Last Christmas, I suggested to my family that we made sure we were somewhere absolutely lovely for next [...]
A trifle
Alan and I had a lovely Christmas Day together. We were woken by Joy calling at 8.35 to wish us a Merry Christmas and tell us about her morning. After we’d spoken to her and Ned, we opened our gifts to each other – I especially love my Paul Smith Rose perfume, and my slinky [...]