Help yourself
Last night, Ned and I went to a Comedy Store Live gig at Udderbelly. (Which, in case you are wondering, is a temporary venue in the form of a giant upside down inflatable cow near the London Eye on the South Bank. I’m not making this up! Check it out here.) The gig before ours [...]
Thicker and thicker
* Edit: I should have pointed out that Joy took the pictures in this post. Thanks, Joy.*
Yes, the hair is coming on. It’s thicker than it was before (before chemotherapy I mean) and ‘platinum blonde’ seems to be the consensus on colour. Here I am, showing it off:
Here’s the top:
And here’s what happens [...]
My life is (basically) over
Joy (my nearly-13 year old daughter) came to the hospital with me yesterday, to inspect the radiotherapy process and keep me company. We were drawn, like magpies, into Accessorise (sparkly things! yay!) on the way home, and as we pottered around Joy mentioned, quite casually, apropos of nothing very much (earrings, possibly) that, “your life [...]