Month: December, 2008

A vision

Think about the last time you cried. Something happened – maybe you saw something, heard something, walked into something, or even thought about something – and before you knew it, there were tears.
If you stop and think about that for a moment, you’ll realise that what makes you cry is not the event (with the [...]

Under Northumbrian skies

A week in Northumberland was just what we needed. Quiet, calm, and nourishing.

My parents live in a converted dye house, in The Middle Of Nowhere just past the Back of Beyond. (That’s what I think, anyway, with my fancy London ways. People from the north of Scotland, rural Australia, the Steppes etc may have a [...]

The year I would love to have

This is just a quick post to tell you about The Year I Would Love To Have, a one day workshop run by the amazing Gosia Gorna. You can read more about her in my post ‘Inside Breast Cancer Haven’: her techniques, insights, compassion and good sense have transformed my journey over the last month.
Gosia [...]